Issue 45, 2006

Template-induced formation of heterobidentate ligands and their application in the asymmetric hydroformylation of styrene


We report the template-induced formation of chelating heterobidentate ligands by the selective self-assembly of two different monodentate ligands on a rigid bis-zinc(II)-salphen template with two identical binding sites; these templated heterobidentate ligands induce much higher enantioselectivities (up to 72% ee) in the rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric hydroformylation of styrene than any of the corresponding homobidentate ligands or non-templated mixed ligand combinations (up to 13% ee).

Graphical abstract: Template-induced formation of heterobidentate ligands and their application in the asymmetric hydroformylation of styrene

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Article information

Article type
30 Jun 2006
03 Aug 2006
First published
15 Aug 2006

Chem. Commun., 2006, 4679-4681

Template-induced formation of heterobidentate ligands and their application in the asymmetric hydroformylation of styrene

M. Kuil, P. E. Goudriaan, P. W. N. M. van Leeuwen and J. N. H. Reek, Chem. Commun., 2006, 4679 DOI: 10.1039/B609321C

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