Issue 1, 2005

Structural and magnetic characterisation of Bi2Sr1.4La0.6Nb2MnO12 and its relationship to “Bi2Sr2Nb2MnO12


A new Aurivillius phase (generic formula M2An−1BnO3n+3) has been synthesized with n = 3 and containing manganese, Bi2Sr1.4La0.6Nb2MnO12. The structure has been investigated by X-ray and neutron powder diffraction and found to be tetragonal (I4/mmm) at temperatures down to 2 K, with a = 3.89970(7) Å, c = 32.8073(9) Å at 2 K. There is significant cation disorder between Bi3+ (predominantly on the M sites) and Sr2+ and La3+ which prefer the A sites: 19(2)% of Bi3+ occupy the A sites. This disorder, leading to occupancy of M sites by Sr2+, is thought to relieve strain due to size-mismatch between the fluorite-like and perovskite-like blocks. A high level of order exists between Mn and Nb on the B sites, with Mn located predominantly (76.1(6)%) in the central B site whilst Nb preferentially occupies the lower symmetry, outer B site, where it undergoes an out-of-centre displacement towards the fluorite-like blocks. Magnetic measurements indicate that this material displays spin-glass behaviour on cooling. Synthesis of the Mn4+ analogue Bi2Sr2Nb2MnO12 was unsuccessful, possibly due to the small size of the Mn4+ cation.

Graphical abstract: Structural and magnetic characterisation of Bi2Sr1.4La0.6Nb2MnO12 and its relationship to “Bi2Sr2Nb2MnO12”

Article information

Article type
06 Sep 2004
12 Oct 2004
First published
15 Nov 2004

J. Mater. Chem., 2005,15, 177-182

Structural and magnetic characterisation of Bi2Sr1.4La0.6Nb2MnO12 and its relationship to “Bi2Sr2Nb2MnO12

E. E. McCabe and C. Greaves, J. Mater. Chem., 2005, 15, 177 DOI: 10.1039/B413732A

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