Issue 7, 2005

Platinum complexes of diazoligands. Studies of regioselective aromatic ring amination, oxidative halogen addition and reductive halogen elimination reactions


2-(Arylazo)pyridine ligands, L1a–1c react with the salt K2[PtCl4] to give the mononuclear complexes [PtCl2(L1)] (1), which readily react with ArNH2 to yield the monochloro complexes of type [PtCl(L2)] (HL2 = 2-[(2-(arylamino)phenyl)azo]pyridine) (2) via regioselective ortho-amine fusion at the pendent aryl ring of coordinated L1. Oxidative addition of the electrophiles Y2 (Y = Cl, Br, I) to the square-planar platinum(II) complex, 2 has led to syntheses of the corresponding octahedral platinum(IV) complexes, [PtY3(L2)] (3) in high yields. Ascorbate ion reductions of the platinum(IV) complexes, 3, resulted in reductive halogen elimination to revert to the platinum(II) complexes 2 almost quantitatively. Isolation of products and X-ray structure determination of the representative complexes followed all these chemical reactions. In crystal packing, the compound [PtCl2(L1c)] (1c) forms dimeric units with a Pt⋯Pt distance of 3.699(1) Å. In contrast, the crystal packing of 2b revealed that the molecules are arranged in an antiparallel fashion to form a noncovalent 1D chain to accommodate π(aryl)–π(pyridyl) and Pt–π(aryl) interactions. Notably, the oxidation of [PtIICl(L2a)] (2a) by I2 produced a mixed halide complex [PtIVClI2(L2a)] (5), which, in turn, is reduced by ascorbate ion to produce [PtIII(L2a)] with the elimination of ClI. All the platinum(II) complexes are brown, the platinum(IV) complexes, on the other hand, are green. Low-energy visible range transitions in the complexes of the extended ligand [L2] are ascribed to ligand based π–π* transitions. Cyclic voltammetric behaviour of the complexes is reported.

Graphical abstract: Platinum complexes of diazo ligands. Studies of regioselective aromatic ring amination, oxidative halogen addition and reductive halogen elimination reactions

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Article information

Article type
08 Dec 2004
17 Feb 2005
First published
04 Mar 2005

Dalton Trans., 2005, 1249-1255

Platinum complexes of diazo ligands. Studies of regioselective aromatic ring amination, oxidative halogen addition and reductive halogen elimination reactions

M. Panda, S. Das, G. Mostafa, A. Castiñeiras and S. Goswami, Dalton Trans., 2005, 1249 DOI: 10.1039/B418470J

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