Issue 17, 2004

Mechanistic studies on the formal aza-Diels–Alder reactions of N-aryl imines: evidence for the non-concertedness under Lewis-acid catalysed conditions


The reaction of a para-methoxyaniline, ethyl glyoxalate-derived imine with a series of dienes has resulted in products, which initially suggest the operation of different modes of aza-Diels–Alder reaction. However, a more likely explanation is that a common reaction mechanism is operating, involving a step-wise Lewis-acid catalysed process, which only appears to behave similarly to alternative concerted cycloaddition reactions.

Graphical abstract: Mechanistic studies on the formal aza-Diels–Alder reactions of N-aryl imines: evidence for the non-concertedness under Lewis-acid catalysed conditions

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Article type
14 May 2004
25 Jun 2004
First published
09 Aug 2004

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2004,2, 2451-2460

Mechanistic studies on the formal aza-Diels–Alder reactions of N-aryl imines: evidence for the non-concertedness under Lewis-acid catalysed conditions

S. Hermitage, J. A. K. Howard, D. Jay, R. G. Pritchard, M. R. Probert and A. Whiting, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2004, 2, 2451 DOI: 10.1039/B407293F

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