Issue 14, 2004

Self-immolative dendrimer biodegradability by multi-enzymatic triggering


New self-immolative dendritic molecules have been designed and synthesized. The dendrons are built with a multi-enzymatic triggering mechanism, which initiates their biodegradation through a self-immolative chain fragmentation to release a reporter group from the focal point. The dendritic backbone is constructed from polycarbamate linkages, which are stable to hydrolysis and enhance the dendrons’ solubility in water. The degradation can readily take place under physiological conditions on enzymatic triggering.

Graphical abstract: Self-immolative dendrimer biodegradability by multi-enzymatic triggering

Article information

Article type
05 Apr 2004
15 May 2004
First published
15 Jun 2004

Chem. Commun., 2004, 1614-1615

Self-immolative dendrimer biodegradability by multi-enzymatic triggering

R. J. Amir and D. Shabat, Chem. Commun., 2004, 1614 DOI: 10.1039/B404946B

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