Issue 11, 2003

Determination of 129I/127I isotope ratios in liquid solutions and environmental soil samples by ICP-MS with hexapole collision cell


The determination of 129I in environmental samples at ultratrace levels is very difficult by ICP-MS due to a high noise caused by Xe impurities in argon plasma gas (interference of 129Xe+), possible 127IH2+ interference and an insufficient abundance ratio sensitivity of the ICP mass spectrometer for 129I/127I isotope ratio measurement. A sensitive, powerful and fast analytical technique for iodine isotope ratio measurements in aqueous solutions and contaminated soil samples directly without sample preparation using ICP-MS with a hexapole collision cell (ICP-CC-QMS) was developed. Oxygen is used as reaction and carrier gas for iodine thermal desorption via the gas phase from solid environmental material in the sample introduction device coupled on-line to ICP-CC-QMS. A mixture of oxygen and helium as reaction gases in the hexapole collision cell was applied for reducing disturbing background intensity of 129Xe+. After optimization of measurement procedures the detection limit for 129I+ in aqueous solution was 8 × 10−13 g ml−1, which is better by about two orders of magnitude in comparison to the detection limit for 129I+ in sector field ICP-MS. The detection limit for direct 129I+ determination in contaminated environmental (soil) samples via gas-phase desorption without any additional sample preparation was 3 × 10−11 g g−1 (30 ppt). Furthermore, the results of the determination of 129I/127I isotope ratios at the 10−5–10−6 level in synthetic laboratory standards and environmental soil samples from contaminated areas are given.

Article information

Article type
06 Jun 2003
11 Aug 2003
First published
28 Aug 2003

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2003,18, 1339-1345

Determination of 129I/127I isotope ratios in liquid solutions and environmental soil samples by ICP-MS with hexapole collision cell

A. V. Izmer, S. F. Boulyga and J. S. Becker, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2003, 18, 1339 DOI: 10.1039/B306446H

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