Issue 8, 2003

The stabilities of the gas-phase ions Li+·H2O, Li+·(H2O)2 and Li+·CO as measured by mass-spectrometric sampling of fuel-rich flames of C2H2 + O2


Fuel-rich flat flames of C2H2 + O2 with CO2 as diluent have been burnt at 1 atm; such flames constituted plug flow reactors without walls and had temperatures of 2020–2500 K. Each flame was continuously sampled directly into a mass spectrometer; this revealed the formation and presence of the ions: Li+, Li+·H2O, Li+·(H2O)2 and Li+·CO, when trace amounts of lithium were added to the gas supplies of these flames. A detailed examination showed that equilibria like: Li+ + H2O = Li+·H2Oare set up extremely rapidly in a flame. Furthermore, when such a flame at 1 atm is sampled into the mass spectrometer at a much lower pressure, the sample is cooled, with the result that these equilibria shift position to those for lower temperatures. By varying the diameter of the sampling orifice it proved possible to measure the equilibrium constant of (4) for conditions at the throat of the sampling hole, i.e., where the local Mach number is unity and the temperature and pressure are lower than in the flame. This has led to equilibrium constants being measured for (4) (and also for the formation of other cluster ions) at a variety of temperatures. The results are summarised in terms of values of ΔH[circle, cut, short horiz bar] and ΔS[circle, cut, short horiz bar] for the monohydration of Li+ and Li+·H2O; the values are compared with those measured in flames for nine other gas-phase ions. All the ΔS[circle, cut, short horiz bar] are very much as expected, but the ΔH[circle, cut, short horiz bar] do show interesting variations. Measured values of ΔH[circle, cut, short horiz bar] and ΔS[circle, cut, short horiz bar] for the formation of Li+·CO from gaseous Li+ and CO are also reported.

Article information

Article type
21 Jan 2003
17 Feb 2003
First published
04 Mar 2003

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2003,5, 1610-1618

The stabilities of the gas-phase ions Li+·H2O, Li+·(H2O)2 and Li+·CO as measured by mass-spectrometric sampling of fuel-rich flames of C2H2 + O2

A. N. Hayhurst and S. G. Taylor, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2003, 5, 1610 DOI: 10.1039/B300860F

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