The stabilities of the gas-phase ions Li+·H2O, Li+·(H2O)2 and Li+·CO as measured by mass-spectrometric sampling of fuel-rich flames of C2H2 + O2
Fuel-rich flat flames of C2H2 + O2 with CO2 as diluent have been burnt at 1 atm; such flames constituted plug flow reactors without walls and had temperatures of 2020–2500 K. Each flame was continuously sampled directly into a mass spectrometer; this revealed the formation and presence of the ions: Li+, Li+·H2O, Li+·(H2O)2 and Li+·CO, when trace amounts of lithium were added to the gas supplies of these flames. A detailed examination showed that equilibria like: and ΔS
for the monohydration of Li+ and Li+·H2O; the values are compared with those measured in flames for nine other gas-phase ions. All the ΔS
are very much as expected, but the ΔH
do show interesting variations. Measured values of ΔH
and ΔS
for the formation of Li+·CO from gaseous Li+ and CO are also reported.