Issue 6, 2003

Tetranuclear nickel(ii) complexes with genuine μ3-1,1,3 and μ4-1,1,3,3 azide bridges


Unique tetranickel(II) complexes have been synthesized which incorporate genuine μ3-1,1,3 or μ4-1,1,3,3 bridging azido ligands. Identification of two distinct isomeric μ4-1,1,3,3 binding modes confirms the structural flexibility of the quadruply bridging azide.

Graphical abstract: Tetranuclear nickel(ii) complexes with genuine μ3-1,1,3 and μ4-1,1,3,3 azide bridges

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Article information

Article type
20 Nov 2002
11 Feb 2003
First published
25 Feb 2003

Chem. Commun., 2003, 774-775

Tetranuclear nickel(II) complexes with genuine μ3-1,1,3 and μ4-1,1,3,3 azide bridges

F. Meyer, P. Kircher and H. Pritzkow, Chem. Commun., 2003, 774 DOI: 10.1039/B211486K

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