Issue 3, 2002

Cyclic octapeptides containing thiazole. Effect of stereochemistry and degree of flexibility on calcium binding properties


Solution conformation and calcium binding properties have been investigated for the two cyclic octapeptides cyclo(-D-Thr-D-Val(Thz)-Ile-)2 (4) and cyclo(-Thr-Gly(Thz)-Ile-Ser-Gly(Thz)-Ile-) (5) and the results are compared to those for the cyclic octapeptides previously studied; ascidiacyclamide (1), patellamide D (2), cyclo(-Thr-D-Val(Thz)-Ile-)2 (3), and cyclo(-Thr-D-Val-αAbu-Ile-)2 (6). Both 4 and 5 contain two heterocyclic thiazole ring constraints but the latter has a larger degree of flexibility as a consequence of the glycine residues within the cyclic framework. The solution conformation of 4 and 5 was determined from 1H NMR spectra and found to be a “twisted figure of eight” similar to that for 2. Complexation studies using 1H NMR and CD spectroscopy yielded 1 ∶ 1 calcium–peptide binding constants (logK) for the two peptides (2.3 (4) and 5.7 (5)). For 5 the magnitude of the binding constant was verified by a competition titration using CD. The different calcium-binding affinities of 3 (logK = 4.0) and 4 is attributed to the stereochemistry of the threonine residue. The magnitude of the binding constant for 5 compared to 3 and 4 (all peptides containing two thiazole ring constrains) demonstrates that the increase in flexibility of the cyclic peptide has a dramatic effect on the Ca2+ binding ability. The affinity for Ca2+ thus decreases in the order (65 > 3 > 21 > 4). The number of carbonyl donors available on each peptide has only a limited effect on calcium binding. The most important factor is the flexibility, which allows for a conformation of the peptide capable of binding calcium efficiently.

Graphical abstract: Cyclic octapeptides containing thiazole. Effect of stereochemistry and degree of flexibility on calcium binding properties

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
09 Oct 2001
03 Jan 2002
First published
11 Feb 2002

J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 2002, 556-563

Cyclic octapeptides containing thiazole. Effect of stereochemistry and degree of flexibility on calcium binding properties

R. M. Cusack, L. Grøndahl, D. P. Fairlie, L. R. Gahan and G. R. Hanson, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 2002, 556 DOI: 10.1039/B109168A

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