Preparation of porous n-type silicon sample plates for desorption/ionization on silicon mass spectrometry (DIOS-MS)
This study focuses on porous silicon (pSi) fabrication methods and properties for desorption ionization on silicon
* Corresponding authors
a Microelectronics Centre, Helsinki University of Technology, P.O. Box 3000, HUT, Finland
b Viikki Drug Discovery Technology Center, Department of Pharmacy, P.O. Box 56, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
c Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Department of Pharmacy, P.O. Box 56, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
d Protein Chemistry Unit, Biomedicum Helsinki, P.O. Box 63, University of Helsinki, Finland
e Structural and Biological Mass Spectrometry Unit, Department of Medical Bioanalysis, IIBB-CSIC, IDIBAPS, Rosello 161, Barcelona, Spain
This study focuses on porous silicon (pSi) fabrication methods and properties for desorption ionization on silicon
S. Tuomikoski, K. Huikko, K. Grigoras, P. Östman, R. Kostiainen, M. Baumann, J. Abian, T. Kotiaho and S. Franssila, Lab Chip, 2002, 2, 247 DOI: 10.1039/B207634A
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