Issue 24, 2002

Formation and structure of dimer radical cations of fluorinated benzenes in solid matrices


Structures of dimeric radical cations of fluorinated benzenes (C6H5F+ and 1,4-C6H4F2+) formed by γ-irradiation in solid halocarbon matrices were investigated by means of EPR and DFT calculations. For both the dimer cations, sandwich type structures, where the two benzene rings are symmetrically overlapped, were suggested, and the 19F-hyperfine coupling constants of the dimeric cations were found to be smaller than half that of the corresponding monomer cations. This was qualitatively explained in terms of the anti-bonding feature of the C–C bond between the two benzene rings and the C–F bond. DFT calculations performed for the monomer and dimer cations successfully account for this phenomenon. Anisotropic 19F hyperfine coupling (b) was used as a good indicator for evaluating the distance between the two benzene rings. The formation of the dimer cations strongly depends on the matrices and the concentration of the solutes, suggesting that molecular diffusion in the solid systems is an important factor in the dimerization.

Article information

Article type
05 Aug 2002
26 Sep 2002
First published
31 Oct 2002

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2002,4, 5982-5987

Formation and structure of dimer radical cations of fluorinated benzenes in solid matrices

Y. Itagaki, N. Yanagida and M. Shiotani, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2002, 4, 5982 DOI: 10.1039/B207622E

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