Issue 13, 2002

From rational octahedron design to reticulation serendipity. A thermally stable rare earth polymeric disulfonate family with CdI2-like structure, bifunctional catalysis and optical properties


A new family of lanthanide disulfonates Ln(OH)(NDS)(H2O), (Ln = La, Pr and Nd; NDS=1,5-naphthalenedisulfonate) was designed and hydrothermally synthesized; this is the first example of a disulfonate ligand coordinated to six different Ln atoms; these materials, with high thermal stability, act as active and selective bifunctional catalysts in oxidation and epoxide ring opening; strong luminescence from the optically active Nd center was observed.

Graphical abstract: From rational octahedron design to reticulation serendipity. A thermally stable rare earth polymeric disulfonate family with CdI2-like structure, bifunctional catalysis and optical properties

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
19 Mar 2002
17 May 2002
First published
05 Jun 2002

Chem. Commun., 2002, 1366-1367

From rational octahedron design to reticulation serendipity. A thermally stable rare earth polymeric disulfonate family with CdI2-like structure, bifunctional catalysis and optical properties

N. Snejko, C. Cascales, B. Gomez-Lor, E. Gutiérrez-Puebla, M. Iglesias, C. Ruiz-Valero and M. A. Monge, Chem. Commun., 2002, 1366 DOI: 10.1039/B202639B

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