Issue 7, 2002

A new, highly selective synthesis of aromatic aldehydes by aerobic free-radical oxidation of benzylic alcohols, catalysed by n-hydroxyphthalimide under mild conditions. Polar and enthalpic effects


A new selective synthesis of aromatic aldehydes is described, based on catalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohols with molecular oxygen at rt and atmospheric pressure.

Graphical abstract: A new, highly selective synthesis of aromatic aldehydes by aerobic free-radical oxidation of benzylic alcohols, catalysed by n-hydroxyphthalimide under mild conditions. Polar and enthalpic effects

Article information

Article type
14 Nov 2001
06 Feb 2002
First published
04 Mar 2002

Chem. Commun., 2002, 688-689

A new, highly selective synthesis of aromatic aldehydes by aerobic free-radical oxidation of benzylic alcohols, catalysed by n-hydroxyphthalimide under mild conditions. Polar and enthalpic effects

F. Minisci, C. Punta, F. Recupero, F. Fontana and G. F. Pedulli, Chem. Commun., 2002, 688 DOI: 10.1039/B110451A

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