Issue 6, 2001


In order to prepare a sample for Re determination in rock and soil by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), an extraction chromatographic resin (TEVA resin, Eichrom Industry Inc.) was used. This resin extraction step satisfactorily separated Re from sample matrices and trace elements that cause isobaric interference during ICP-MS measurements. Total recoveries were compared using two other sets of samples to which elevated concentrations of Re spike of natural isotopic composition were added. The recoveries obtained for both sets of samples agreed very well with an average of 94 ± 3%. Total procedural blanks for Re in the course of this study ranged from 2.1–7.9 pg g−1. The method was applied to several standard rock samples and soil samples. For 0.5–1 g samples, the measured values ranged from 0.05 to 4.0 ng g−1.

Article information

Article type
Technical Note
27 Feb 2001
10 Apr 2001
First published
18 May 2001

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2001,16, 669-671

ICP-MS determination of Re at ultra trace levels in rock and soil samples

K. Tagami and S. Uchida, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2001, 16, 669 DOI: 10.1039/B101855H

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