The reactivity of trimethylsilyliminophosphines towards titanium and zirconium halides
NSiMe3)2-1,2 1 under C–H
NSiMe3)2}, while the reaction with C5H3N(Ph2P
NSiMe3)2-2,6 gave an N-donor adduct. Cp*TiCl3 reacts with trimethylsilyliminophosphines under dehalosilylation in all cases. In contrast to 1, the potentially C–N chelating benzylphosphinimine (4-ButC6H4CH2)Ph2P
NSiMe3 undergoes dehalosilylation with TiCl4 in preference to C–H
NTiCl2Cp*)2-2,6, and TiCl2Cp*{N
PPh2CH2C6H4But-4} have been determined by