Issue 8, 2001

Determination of nitrite by inhibition of the chemiluminescence of acriflavine in a flow-injection assembly


The indirect determination of nitrite was performed with a flow-injection assembly on the basis of the inhibition of the analytical output obtained in a luminometer by oxidation of acriflavine. The acriflavine solution merged with the nitrite and the resulting mixture was injected into a pure water stream. This solution merged with the oxidant solution (potassium permanganate in sulfuric acid medium) and the resulting chemiluminiscence was affected (inhibited) by the presence of nitrite after reaction with the aminoacridine. The method was applicable over the range 10–800 μg l−1 of nitrite with a correlation coefficient of 0.9960. The relative standard deviation was 1.4% and the throughput was 76 samples h−1. The influence of foreign substances was also tested. A solid-phase reactor, filled with Amberlite IRA-900, was inserted in the assembly for the on-line preconcentration of nitrite; the analytical output resulted in an increase of up to 11.5-fold. The method was applied to the determination of nitrites in residual waters, industrial formulations and soil samples.

Article information

Article type
03 Jan 2001
18 May 2001
First published
29 Jun 2001

Analyst, 2001,126, 1423-1427

Determination of nitrite by inhibition of the chemiluminescence of acriflavine in a flow-injection assembly

M. C. Icardo, J. V. G. Mateo and J. M. Calatayud, Analyst, 2001, 126, 1423 DOI: 10.1039/B100109O

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