We have analyzed the evolution of the photorefractive phase shift
and the photoconductivity in three fully functionalized photorefractive polymethacrylates
with increasing temperature and plasticizer concentration. Apart from a strong
increase in refractive index modulation amplitude, the polymers show a larger
phase shift and photoconductivity as the measurement temperature is raised.
When the measurement temperature is kept at 21 °C, the photorefractive
performance can be improved by reducing the glass transition temperature of
the polymers by adding an external plasticizer. Two types of plasticizer were
used. When doped with 10 or 20 wt% of an inert plasticizer (IP),
diffraction efficiencies and gain coefficients are improved substantially.
Due to a dilution of the charge transporting groups, however, the photoconductivities
and the phase shifts start to decrease when more than 10 wt% of inert
plasticizer is added. A detailed analysis of this behaviour is presented.
When the carbazole-functionalized copolymers with carbazole as the only
charge transporting group are doped with 20 wt% of N-ethylcarbazole,
the concentration of the charge transport molecules is increased. Together
with the lowering of Tg, this produces a larger phase
shift. In all experiments, a good correlation between photoconductivity and
photorefractive phase shift was observed.
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