Issue 12, 2000

Development of new methodology for the synthesis of functionalized α-fluorophosphonates and its practical application to the preparation of phosphopeptide mimetics


New methodology for the synthesis of functionalized α-fluorophosphonates which utilizes organocopper-mediated reduction has been developed and applied to the preparation of a monofluoromethyl-substituted phosphoserine mimetic-containing peptide.

Article information

Article type
20 Mar 2000
10 May 2000
First published
31 May 2000

Chem. Commun., 2000, 1081-1082

Development of new methodology for the synthesis of functionalized α-fluorophosphonates and its practical application to the preparation of phosphopeptide mimetics

A. Otaka, E. Mitsuyama, H. Watanabe, H. Tamamura and N. Fujii, Chem. Commun., 2000, 1081 DOI: 10.1039/B002188L

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