Issue 8, 1999

Synthesis and characterization of rhodium oxide nanoparticles in mesoporous MCM-41


Rhodium-containing MCM-41 mesoporous molecular sieves (Rh-MCM-41) were synthesized by adding RhCl3·3H2O to a mixed silicate–surfactant gel prior to hydrothermal synthesis. The obtained Rh-MCM-41 samples were characterized by XRD, N2 adsorption, TEM, 29Si solid-state NMR and XPS. It was found that rhodium oxide nanoparticles <3 nm were located in the MCM-41 mesopore channels or 6 nm rhodium oxide particles were dispersed in the MCM-41 matrices, depending on the hydrothermal synthesis temperature and the aging conditions. The unit cell and pore wall thickness of Rh-MCM-41 synthesized at 423 K were 5.71 and 2.31 nm, respectively, which were larger than those of the corresponding pure Si-MCM-41. The increase in the pore wall thickness may be due to enhancement of cross-linking of â–·Si–OH in the silicate gel by the presence of Rh ions.

Article information

Article type

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 1999,1, 2027-2032

Synthesis and characterization of rhodium oxide nanoparticles in mesoporous MCM-41

R. S. Mulukutla, K. Asakura, T. Kogure, S. Namba and Y. Iwasawa, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 1999, 1, 2027 DOI: 10.1039/A900588I

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