The aerosol dynamics of H2O–H2SO4–HNO3 mixtures in aircraft wakes. A modeling study
The aerosol dynamics of H2O–H2SO4–HNO3 mixtures formed (i) by homogeneous nucleation and (ii) by adsorption on emitted soot particles in the jet regime of a B 747 airliner have been investigated by modeling studies. Emission indices of 0.05 g kg(fuel)-1 and 1.0 g kg(fuel)-1 for soot and SO2, respectively, were chosen. In addition, the influence of both chemiions (EI(HSO4-)=2.9×10-5 g kg(fuel)-1) and different initial S(VI)/(S(VI)+S(IV)) ratios (0.8–10%) have been taken into consideration. As opposed to previous studies which were restricted to the binary H2O–H2SO4 system, the presence of HNO3 in the plume has been included. Both, composition and size spectra of the H2O–H2SO4–HNO3 clusters have been investigated. It is found that, caused by the presence of HNO3 in liquid aerosols, the reduced vapour pressure of H2O leads to enhanced water uptake. In analogy to H2O–H2SO4–HNO3-coated soot particles and especially for high fuel sulfur contents, a fraction of these aerosols can then also freeze and hence contribute to visible contrails.