Issue 8, 1998

Oxidation resistance and microstructure of the oxide layers for TiB2-based cermets


The oxidation behaviour of several TiB2 cermets has been studied in air in a range of temperatures between 700 and 1000C for up to 70h. The oxidation resistance of these materials has been characterised through measurements of mass gain as a function of time and temperature. The oxidation kinetics of these cermets was observed to change from a parabolic to a linear type at temperatures between 750 and 775C. Activation energies were observed to be 170-185 and 109-123kJmol1 for the parabolic and linear ranges, respectively. The oxidation products and the microstructure of the oxide scales formed after these oxidation treatments were characterised by XRD and SEM.

Article information

Article type

J. Mater. Chem., 1998,8, 1851-1857

Oxidation resistance and microstructure of the oxide layers for TiB2-based cermets

M. G. Barandika, J. J. Echeberría, J. M. Sánchez and F. Castro, J. Mater. Chem., 1998, 8, 1851 DOI: 10.1039/A801121D

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