Self-assembling iron and manganese metal–germanium–selenide frameworks: [NMe4]2MGe4Se10, where M = Fe or Mn
The hydrothermal synthesis mixture Ge–Se–(TMA)OH–H2O (TMA+ = NMe4+) yielded crystals of the material (TMA)4Ge4Se10. A single-crystal X-ray diffraction structure showed the presence of adamantanoid Ge4Se104– clusters and TMA+ cations. The TMA+ template-mediated aqueous synthesis of (TMA)2MGe4Se10 (M = Mn or Fe) from Ge4Se104– and M2+ building-blocks is described. Rietveld powder X-ray diffraction full profile structure refinements of (TMA)2MGe4Se10 established that these novel metal–germanium–selenide frameworks are isostructural with the analogous metal–germanium–sulfides, (TMA)2MGe4S10. The selenide materials have a zinc blende-type of open-framework structure. Charge-balance of the anionic open-framework [MGe4Se10]2– is maintained by two TMA+ template cations that reside within the cavity spaces. Trends in the tetragonal unit cell dimensions and metal–chalcogenide bond lengths of (TMA)2MGe4X10 (X = S or Se) are those expected based upon increases in metal and chalcogenide radii on passing from S–II to Se–II and FeII to MnII.