Synthesis and structure of [{(ButO)2Sb3(µ-NCy)3(µ3-NCy)}K·η6-C6H5Me]; a sandwich complex containing a unique SbIIInido cage anion (Cy = cyclohexyl, C6H11)
Reaction of the terminal NMe2 groups of the spiro antimony(III) imido anion [{(Me2N)Sb(µ-NCy)}2Sb]– with ButOH results in major rearrangement in the Sb–N framework as witnessed in the structure of the sandwich complex [{(ButO)2Sb3(µ-NCy)3(µ3-NCy)}K·η6-C6H5Me] 1, containing the novel nido cage anion [(ButO)2Sb3(µ-NCy)3(µ3-NCy)]–.