Issue 3, 1998

The importance of nitrogen substituents in chiral amino thiol ligands for the asymmetric addition of diethylzinc to aromatic aldehydes


A new series of N,S-chelate ligands derived from (S)-valine, which possess the capability of a stereogenic nitrogen donor atom, are catalysts for the addition of diethylzinc to aromatic aldehydes and gave the product secondary alcohols in up to 82% ee.

Article information

Article type

Chem. Commun., 1998, 393-394

The importance of nitrogen substituents in chiral amino thiol ligands for the asymmetric addition of diethylzinc to aromatic aldehydes

J. C. Anderson, Chem. Commun., 1998, 393 DOI: 10.1039/A707937K

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