Issue 2, 1998

Multipoint calibration from one standard solution and automatic dilution of overrange samples for flame atomic absorption spectrometry


A modified peristaltic pump sample introduction system for flame AAS is described. The device provides automatic instrument calibration from a single bulk standard. The modifications overcome the difficulties previously associated with the use of peristaltic pumps. Single and dual pump systems were evaluated for normal and standard addition calibration. Data from both indicate that accuracy and precision are as good as, or better than, that achieved with manual standard preparation. Automatic overrange sample dilution is also provided by the system.

Article information

Article type

Analyst, 1998,123, 233-237

Multipoint calibration from one standard solution and automatic dilution of overrange samples for flame atomic absorption spectrometry

B. D. Frary, Analyst, 1998, 123, 233 DOI: 10.1039/A708035B

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