Structural separation of biological activities of jasmonates and related compounds
A wide range of compounds derived from the basic structure of jasmonic acid, when tested for biological activity in different bioassays (Eschscholzia californica elicitation, Bryonia dioica tendril coiling, tomato transpiration and senescence and barley senescence assays) display, in each of the assays, an activity profile that is distinctly characteristic and different between assays. While differences in uptake, metabolism and/or sequestration of the compounds may account for some of the effects observed, the data allow the conclusion that structural requirements are also different for different physiological responses regulated by jasmonates. While jasmonic acid itself is active in all assays employed, some of the compounds tested in our study display a much narrower range of biological effects. Thus, tailoring of jasmonate analogues for specific applications and lacking undesirable side effects should be possible.