Issue 10, 1997

Direct Determimnation of Mercury in Sediments by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry


A pyrolysis chamber is described for the direct determination of mercury in sediments by atomic absorption spectrometry. The finely ground and dried sample is weighed (2.0–60.0 mg), transferred to a quartz cup, inserted in a pyrolysis chamber and heated at 1100 °C for 30 s by means of three focused infrared lamps in the presence of an air stream as the carrier gas. Interfering substances are destroyed by a precolumn containing alumina, silica and copper(II) oxide, and the released mercury is amalgamated on to a gold-coated collector. Mercury vapour is later measured by AAS after thermal desorption. Calibration is easily performed by flow injection, in which known volumes of mercury-saturated air are introduced into the same air carrier stream. The absolute detection limit was 0.26 ng Hg and the relative standard deviation of measurements (n=12) from a typical 4.0 mg sample was about 7%. By applying a t-test, there was no significant difference at the 5% probability level between the results obtained with the proposed method and those certified or recommended for NIST materials. One analysis takes only 2 min, including sample weighing.

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J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 1997,12, 1231-1234

Direct Determimnation of Mercury in Sediments by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

C. E. C. Magalhães, F. J. Krug, A. H. Fostier and H. Berndt, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 1997, 12, 1231 DOI: 10.1039/A701870C

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