Issue 18, 1997

Preparation and characterisation of a dithiadiazolyline complex: X-ray crystal structure of [Pd2{µ-SNC(Ph)N(H)S-S,S′}(dppe) 2][BF4]2·3CDCl3


While the protonated dithiadiazolyl compound, PhC[upper bond 1 start]NSSN[upper bond 1 end]H 1 is unknown, oxidation of [Pd(dppe) 2 ] with [PhC[upper bond 1 start]NSSN[upper bond 1 end]] 2 yields the monometallic complex [Pd{SNC(Ph)NS-S,S′}(dppe)] 2 which can be oxidized with [NO][BF 4 ] in the presence of moisture to yield the dimetallic complex [Pd 2 {µ-SNC(Ph)N(H)S-S,S′}(dppe) 2 ][BF 4 ] 2 3 which contains coordinated 1; the X-ray crystal structure of 3 is reported as its solvate 3·3CDCl 3 .

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Chem. Commun., 1997, 1763-1764

Preparation and characterisation of a dithiadiazolyline complex: X-ray crystal structure of [Pd2{µ-SNC(Ph)N(H)S-S,S′}(dppe) 2][BF4]2·3CDCl3

A. J. Banister, J. A. K. Howard, I. May and J. M. Rawson, Chem. Commun., 1997, 1763 DOI: 10.1039/A703750C

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