Issue 4, 1996

The YBa2Cu3Oz phase diagram


The variations of the Seebeck coefficient, S, for YBa2Cu3Oz as a function of temperature at constant oxygen composition are reported for 6.4 ⩽z⩽ 6.9 and 40 ⩽T/°C ⩽ 450. These curves, S(T)z, exhibit two kinds of kinks: at low temperature, 100 ⩽ Ta⩽ 110, for 6.479 ⩽z⩽ 6.675 and at high temperature, 190 ⩽Tb⩽ 375, for 6.4 ⩽z⩽ 6.9. It is likely that the first kink corresponds to the OI–OII phase transition as indicated by a recent synchrotron X-ray diffraction study. Taking into account that the orthorhombic-tetragonal phase transition is similarly marked by an S(T)z kink, one concludes that the high-temperature Tb kink likewise corresponds to a phase transition, the nature of which is unknown.

Article information

Article type

J. Mater. Chem., 1996,6, 619-622

The YBa2Cu3Oz phase diagram

C. Picard and P. Gerdanian, J. Mater. Chem., 1996, 6, 619 DOI: 10.1039/JM9960600619

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