Issue 21, 1996

Conformational trends in arsocane dithiophosphinates X(CH2CH2S)2AsS2PR2(X = O or S; R = Me, Et or Ph)


Six arsocane diorganodithiophosphinates X(CH2CH2S)2AsS2PR2(X = O or S; R = Me, Et or Ph) have been prepared in CH2Cl2 or benzene from X(CH2CH2S)2AsCl (X = O or S) and the corresponding sodium or ammonium dithiophosphinates. The compounds were characterised by IR, mass and 1H, 13C and 31P NMR spectroscopy. The single-crystal structures of O(CH2CH2S)2AsS2PPh2 and S(CH2CH2S)2AsS2PPh2 were determined. Both show an endocyclic, transannular As ⋯ X interaction and an exocyclic As ⋯ S secondary interaction. The co-ordination geometry can be described as trigonal bipyramidal with a face-capping intramolecular As ⋯ S secondary bonding. The oxa derivative is the first example of an arsocane of the type X(CH2CH2S)2AsY with a chair–chair conformation, while the thia derivative, as with other thiaarsocanes, shows a boat–chair conformation.

Article information

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J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1996, 4135-4141

Conformational trends in arsocane dithiophosphinates X(CH2CH2S)2AsS2PR2(X = O or S; R = Me, Et or Ph)

M. Muñoz-Hernández, R. Cea-Olivares, G. Espinosa-Pérez and S. Hernández-Ortega, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1996, 4135 DOI: 10.1039/DT9960004135

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