Application of the hammett equation to the electrochemical oxidation of diaryl chalcogenides and aryl methyl chalcogenides
The electrochemical oxidation of symmetrical 4,4′-disubstituted diaryl selenides and tellurides and 4-substituted aryl methyl sulfides, selenides and tellurides has been studied. Peak oxidation potentials show good correlation with Hammett σp+-values for all series of compounds (diaryl selenides, R= 0.98, n= 10; diaryl tellurides, R= 0.98, n= 14; aryl methyl sulfides, R= 0.97, n= 5; aryl methyl selenides, R= 0.98, n= 5; aryl methyl tellurides, R= 0.98, n= 5). From the slope of the Hammett plots (methyl aryl chalcogenides) it was concluded that the degree of conjugation of a heteroatom with a para-substituent through an aromatic ring decreases in the following order: S > Se > Te. Results from the electrochemical oxidation of unsymmetrical diaryl selenides and tellurides indicate that the heteroatom is interacting with only one of the aromatic rings in diaryl chalcogenides.
125 Te chemical shifts of symmetrical 4,4′-disubstituted diaryl tellurides correlate well with Hammett σp-values (R= 0.98, n= 13).