Manganese(III) complexes with MnIIIN3O3(S= 2) Co-ordination by sexidentate Schiff-base ligands: synthesis, spectra and electrochemistry
Complexes of high-spin manganese(III)(µeff= 4.79–5.30 at 298 K) with a closely related group of sexidentate Schiff-base ligands have been prepared and their solution properties thoroughly investigated. The brown to green crystalline complexes display ligand-to-metal charge-transfer transitions in the range 330–400 nm in addition to a crystal-field transition in the range 560–600 nm. The solution stereochemistry has been determined by paramagnetically shifted 1H NMR spectroscopy. Unlike the C3 symmetry in the solid-state structure, in solution the MnIIIN3O3 co-ordination sphere is severely distorted (≈C1 symmetry). Cyclic voltammetric studies in dimethylformamide solution reveal an irreversible MnIII–MnII couple [Epc in the range –0.62 to –0.05 V vs. saturated calomel electrode (SCE)] and a quasi-reversible MnIV–MnIII couple (Ef in the range +0.42 to +0.86 V vs. SCE).