Issue 11, 1990

High-resolution laser photofragment spectrum of N 2+2(1πu1Σ +g)


Laser photofragment spectra of the 1Πu1Σ+g electronic transition in 14N14N2+ and 15N15N2+ have been recorded by tunable dye laser excitation of a fast ion beam and detection of N+ ions which arise from predissociation of the 1Πu state. Molecular parameters for both electronic states are reported and the vibrational level numbering in the excited state is determined by measurement of the spectral isotope shift. There is no evidence for perturbations or weakening of lines involving levels near J= 23 in the v= 1 level of the 1Σ+g state. We conclude that perturbations and breaking-off observed near J= 23 in emission spectra of the (1,1) band of the g system occur in the excited 1Σ+u electronic state.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 1990,86, 2005-2008

High-resolution laser photofragment spectrum of N2+2(1πu1Σ+g)

T. E. Masters and P. J. Sarre, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 1990, 86, 2005 DOI: 10.1039/FT9908602005

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