Mechanism of the reaction of cuboidal [Mo3FeS4(H2O)10]4+ with dioxygen
Solutions of the grey-purple mixed-metal cuboidal aqua ion [Mo3FeS4(H2O)10]4+ react with O2 to give the now well characterised (green) incomplete cuboidal [Mo3S4(H2O)9]4+ and Fe2+ in a two-electron (per cube) redox process. With the cube in excess, spectrophotometric changes are consistent with the stoicheiometric equation: 2Mo3 FeS44++ O2+ 4H+→ 2Mo3S44++ 2Fe2++ 2H2O. First-order rate constants kobs. monitored at the [Mo3S4(H2O)9]4+ peak at 367 nm (Δε= 4 570 M–1cm–1) with [Mo3FeS4(H2O)10]4+ in > 10- fold excess can be expressed as 2k[Mo3FeS44+]. On varying [H+], k= a +b[H +], where at 25 °C a= 0.43 M–1 s–1 and b= 0.26 M–2 s–1,I= 2.0 M(LiClO4). With O2 in large excess spectrophotometric evidence (245 nm) has been obtained for an intermediate believed to be Mo3FeS4(O2)4+, and a reaction sequence Mo3FeS44++ O2 [graphic omitted] Mo3FeS4(O2)4+, followed by Mo3FeS4(O2)4+ [graphic omitted] Mo3S44++(FeO2), is proposed. With [Mo3FeS4(H2O)10]4+ in excess the reaction (FeO2)+ Mo3FeS44++ 4H+→ Mo3S44++ 2Fe 2++ 2H2O occurs, but is relatively fast and k remains equal to K1k2. With O2 in excess the slower Fe2+/Fe3+-catalysed decomposition of the peroxide released is observed, and Fe3+(up to 30% of Fe) is obtained as a product. The stoicheiometry is therefore less than the 2:1 observed with [Mo3FeS4(H2O)10]4+ in excess. An alternative mechanism involving formation of the adduct [Mo3FeS4O2Mo3FeS4]8+ does not explain these features, but may make some contribution with the reactant [Mo3FeS4(H2O)10]4+ in excess.