Issue 0, 1987

Synthesis of asymmetrically substituted aminohalogenobenzimidazoles


2-Fluoroacetanilide (1) upon treatment with HNO3–H2SO, at –5 to 0 °C gave 6-fluoro-4-nitroacetanilide (3) whereas at –20 to –10 °C the product was 6-fluoro-3,4-dinitroacetanilide (5). Although the formation of compound (5) could be accounted for by a conventional nitration mechanism, the fact that (3) could not be nitrated to give (5) and that (5) was formed at a lower temperature than was (3) suggested that the reaction might proceed via an ipsoδ intermediate (2). Deacetylation of (5) followed by reduction and condensation with formic acid in the presence of HCl gave 6(5)-fluoro-5(6)formylaminobenzimidazole (11), 5(6)-amino-6(5)-fluorobenzimidazole (12) and 5-amino-4-chloro6-fluorobenzimidazole (13). Reduction of (5) with tin followed by condensation with acetic acid gave 5(6)-amino-6(5)-fluoro-2-methylbenzimidazole (14). Concomitant reduction and cyclisation of 6-chloro-2,4-dinitroaniline with formic acid and HCl gave a mixture of 7(4)-chloro-5(6)-formylaminobenzimidazole (15) and 5-amino-4,7-dichlorobenzimidazole (16).

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1987, 2317-2320

Synthesis of asymmetrically substituted aminohalogenobenzimidazoles

M. Camarasa, P. L. Coe, A. S. Jones and R. T. Walker, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1987, 2317 DOI: 10.1039/P19870002317

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