Issue 3, 1987

Chromium(III)-catalysed cerium(IV) oxidation of arsenic(III) in aqueous sulphuric acid


The chromium(III)-catalysed cerium(IV) oxidation of arsenic(III) studied in aqueous sulphuric acid follows the rate law (i) where the right-hand side represents the catalysed path. In equation (i), the –d[CeIV]//dtku[AsIII][CeIV]=2kakcβ4KIP[CeIV][CrIII][AsIII][SO42–]3[HSO4]2[H+]2//(1 +β1[SO42–]+β2[SO42–]23[SO42)]2[HSO4]+β4[SO42–]2[(HSO4]2[H+])(1 +KIP[SO42–])×{kbK5[CeIII][SO42–]3//(1 +K5[SO42–]3)+kc[AsIII][H+]}–1(i)β's are the stability constants of the different cerium(IV) sulphate complexes and KIP and K5 are the equilibrium constants of the species Cr3+SO42– and Ce(SO4)33– respectively. A chromium(IV) species is involved in the catalysed path. Increasing sulphuric acid concentrations effect rate increases of both the uncatalysed and catalysed paths and the active oxidant is understood to be the species H3Ce(SO4)4.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1987, 573-577

Chromium(III)-catalysed cerium(IV) oxidation of arsenic(III) in aqueous sulphuric acid

S. A. Chimatadar, S. T. Nandibewoor, M. I. Sambrani and J. R. Raju, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1987, 573 DOI: 10.1039/DT9870000573

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