An unusual example of spontaneous carbon monoxide elimination at room temperature in a cluster compound. Synthesis and characterization of the two unsaturated anions [Re3H3(CO)n(AuPPh3)]–(n= 9 or 10) and X-ray structure of [Re3(µ-H)3(CO)9(µ-3AuPPh3)]–
The reaction of [Re3(µ-H)3(CO)10]2– with AuClPPh3 at low temperature affords the unstable [Re3(µ-H)3(CO)10(µ-AuPPh3)]– which at room temperature readily loses CO giving the 44-electron triangular species [Re3(µ-H)3(CO)9(µ-3AuPPh3)]–, with mean Re–Re and Re–Au bond lengths of 2.894 and 2.837 Å, as determined by X-ray crystallography.