Structure of aqueous electrolyte solutions. Thermodynamic internal pressure
The thermodynamic internal pressures of aqueous electrolyte solutions have been analysed using three models (the Tammann–Tait–Gibson, TTG, the orientation defect and the non-interacting homomorph, NIH) together with the infrared (i.r.) and dielectric structural temperatures. The effect of ionic volumes is to change water–water interactions. This leads to a change (increase or decrease) in the internal pressure of the water of pww bar. The ionic-charge effects cause an increase in pressure of (pe–plr) bar, where pe is the TTG effective pressure and plr is the long-range pressure (deriving from forces proportional to z2/r and to z2). pel(a component of pe and arising from the electrical deformation of the water molecules) plus pww are mainly responsible for the changes in pressure associated with the hydrogen-bond energy. The pressure changes associated with second cosphere events can be ascribed to intermolecular forces and small changes in the free OH.