Temperature dependence of electric-field-assisted photostimulated charge transfer at the pyranthrone/dodecane (HMPA) interface
Investigations of the temperature, electric field and intensity of illumination dependence of photo-injected charge at the pyranthrone/dodecane (HMPA) interface and their analysis in terms of a phenomenological model of the interface lead to the conclusion that the current at the interface is limited by three factors: (1) the probability of generation of a charge carrier on the absorption of a photon by the photoconductor, (2) the probability of transport of the charge carrier to the interfacial region and (3) the availability of appropriate molecules in dodecane, which can react with the charges accumulated in the interfacial region. The first two factors can be combined into a single parameter which has a cubic dependence on electric field and an activation energy of 0.73 eV; these in turn are dependent on experimental conditions such as the temperature, electric field and intensity of illumination.