Issue 9, 1982

Evidence for the mode of adsorption of anisoles on silica from an infrared study of hydrogen bonds between triphenylsilanol and anisoles in solution


Association constants and infrared spectroscopic shifts ΔνOH are reported for the formation of hydrogen bonds between triphenylsilanol and anisole, six substituted anisoles (2,6-Me2, 4-Me, 4-Cl, 4-Br, 2-F, 4-NO2), nitrobenzene and 4-nitrotoluene. The data are compared with infrared spectroscopic results for the adsorption of the hydrogen-bond acceptor molecules on to the surface of silica immersed in n-heptane. Parallel behaviour for the formation of hydrogen-bonded complexes in solution and at the solid/liquid interface provides information about the types of interaction which exist between surface silanol groups and adsorbed substituted anisole molecules.

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J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 1, 1982,78, 2787-2791

Evidence for the mode of adsorption of anisoles on silica from an infrared study of hydrogen bonds between triphenylsilanol and anisoles in solution

A. R. A. Saracual and C. H. Rochester, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 1, 1982, 78, 2787 DOI: 10.1039/F19827802787

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