Issue 8, 1982

Inter- and intra-molecular ligand-exchange and -rearrangement reactions of tetra-azadiene complexes of nickel, platinum, and cobalt


Tetra-azadiene-exchange and -rearrangement reactions have been observed for both [Ni(R2N4)2] and [Ni(R2N4)(η5-C5H5)](R2= 1,4-diaryl) complexes. The reactions of [Ni(R2N4)2] or [Co(R2N4)(η5-C5H5)] with aryl azides lead to substitution of the tetra-azadiene ligands. Reactions of [Pt(R2N4)(cod)] or [Ni(R2N4)(η5-C5H5)] with aryl azides R′N3 produced platinum and nickel complexes with non-symmetrical RN4R′ ligands. All products arising from these reactions were identified by field desorption mass spectrometry and/or h.p.l.c. Four mechanisms which can account for the nature of the observed products, the product distributions, and reaction times are discussed. Transient aryl-nitrene species are proposed as key intermediates in these reactions.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1982, 1541-1547

Inter- and intra-molecular ligand-exchange and -rearrangement reactions of tetra-azadiene complexes of nickel, platinum, and cobalt

P. Overbosch, G. van Koten and K. Vrieze, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1982, 1541 DOI: 10.1039/DT9820001541

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