Ketoximato-complexes. Part 3. Structure and properties of tris chelates of cobalt(III), iron(II), and ruthenium(II)
A number of tris chelates derived from dihydrogenviolurate (H2va–) and 1,3-dimethylviolurate (dmva–) have been synthesized. Complexes of general formula [ML3]n–(M = CoIII, n= 0; M = FeII or RuII, n= 1; L = H2va or dmva) are described and characterized by i.r., u.v.–visible, and 1H n.m.r. spectra. Infrared data support the assumption of the same fac co-ordination structure for all the complexes in the solid state. The 1H n.m.r. spectra are in accordance with an octahedral arrangement in the fac configuration in solution. The 1H n.m.r. shifts are a probe of electron-density changes at the N(1) and N(3) sites of the co-ordinated heterocycle. Measurements of pKa for the [M(H2va)3]n– complexes are presented and are consistent with the n.m.r. data. The energies of the π→π* and d→π* electronic transitions of the protonated and deprotonated species provide information about the energies of the molecular orbitals of the violurate ligand. The results are interpreted in terms of Lewis-acid charge withdrawal and π-back bonding.