Reduction–oxidation properties of organotransition-metal complexes. Part 10. Formation and reactivity of the paramagnetic cyclobutadiene-iron and -ruthenium derivatives [M(CO)3–nLn(C4Ph4)]+(n= 1–3, L = phosphorus donor)
The tetraphenylcyclobutadiene complexes [M(CO)3–n Ln(η4-C4Ph4)][1: M = Fe, n= 1, L = PPh3 or P(OMe)3; M = Fe, n= 2, L = P(OMe)3; M = Ru, n= 2 or 3, L = P (OMe)3] undergo reversible one-electron oxidation, at the platinum electrode in CH2Cl2, to give the paramagnetic radical cations [M(CO)3–nLn(C4Ph4)]+(2). Chemical oxidation of (1) with Ag[BF4] or [N(C6H4Br-p)3][PF6] in CH2 Cl2 affords salts of [2: M = Fe, n= 1, L = PPh3; M = Fe, n= 2, L = P(OMe)3]. Complexes (2) are implicated as intermediates in the formation of [Fe(CO)(NO){P(OMe)3}(η4-C4Ph4)]+ from [Fe (CO){P(OMe)3}2(η4-C4Ph4)] and Ag[NO3], of [Fe(CO){P(OMe)3}(η2-tcne)(η4-C4Ph4)](3) from tetracyanoethylene (tcne) and [Fe(CO){P(OMe)3}2(η4-C4Ph4)], and of [MX(CO)3–nLn(η4–C4Ph4)]+[4; X = Cl, Br, or I] from (1) and halogens, X2. The reaction of polyhalide salts of [RuX(CO){P(OMe)3}2(η4-C4Ph4)]+(4; X = Cl or Br) with PPh3 leads to cleavage of the metal–ring bond and formation of halogenotetraphenylcyclobutenyl radicals, C4Ph4X.