Issue 0, 1980

Disproportionation in hydrolysis of pyrimido[4,5-b]quinoline-2(3H),4(10H)-diones (5-deazaflavins)


Treatment of 5-deazaflavins with concentrated aqueous potassium hydroxide led to the exclusive formation of 1,5-dihydro-5-deazaflavins and 1,5-dihydro-5-deazaflavin-5-ones via intermolecular oxidation–reduction between initially formed 5-hydroxy-1,5-dihydro-5-deazaflavins and unchanged 5-deazaflavins; under dilute alkaline conditions the reverse oxidation–reduction between 1,5-dihydro-5-deazaflavins and 1,5-dihydro-5-deazaflavin-5-ones occurred to form the original 5-deazaflavins and 5-hydroxy-1,5-dihydro-5-deazaflavins, which were oxidized to 1,5-dihydro-5-deazaflavin-5-ones by air. When hydrolysis was carried out with dilute alkaline solution, the corresponding 2-oxoquinoline-3-carboxylic acids were obtained besides the disproportionation products 1,5-dihydro-5-deazaflavins and 1,5-dihydro-5-deazaflavin-5-ones. This disproportionation and hydrolytic scission at the 2-position compete with each other. Higher concentrations of hydroxide ion favoured the formation of the reduced 5-deazaflavins and 5-ketones by disproportionation and reduced the proportion of 2-quinolones formed by hydrolytic scission.

Article information

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J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1980, 293-296

Disproportionation in hydrolysis of pyrimido[4,5-b]quinoline-2(3H),4(10H)-diones (5-deazaflavins)

F. Yoneda, Y. Sakuma and A. Koshiro, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1980, 293 DOI: 10.1039/P19800000293

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