Issue 7, 1977

Reactions of triaryl derivatives of Group 5 with selenium dioxide


Triarylphosphines PR3(R = Ph, C6H4Me-o, -m, -p, or C6H4Cl-p) react with selenium dioxide suspended in benzene or in solution in ethanol to give triarylphosphine oxides, PR3O, and triarylphosphine selenides, PR3Se, or selenium, depending on the phosphine, the relative proporfions of the reagents, and the solvent. Triarylarsines do not react with SeO2 in ethanol, but reactions in benzene suspension give triarylarsine oxides or the addition compounds 2AsR3O·H2SeO3 and selenium. Triphenylstibine reacts with SeO2, suspended in benzene or in ethanol solution to give the addition compound SbPh3O·SeO2 and selenium. Triarylbismuthines react with SeO2, in benzene–ethanol to give areneseleninic acids and bismuth(III)selenite. Possible mechanisms are discussed.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1977, 641-644

Reactions of triaryl derivatives of Group 5 with selenium dioxide

S. I. A. El Sheikh, M. S. Patel, B. C. Smith and C. B. Waller, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1977, 641 DOI: 10.1039/DT9770000641

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