Photoinitiation of free-radical polymerization by rhenium carbonyl in the presence of tetrafluoroethylene
Irradiation (λ= 365 nm) of Re2(CO)10 in methyl methacrylate (mma), ethyl acetate or toluene solution leads to an increase in optical density at λ < 450 nm which is attributed to the formation of a product Q, probably [(mma)Re(CO)4]2 in the case of mma. At sufficiently long periods of irradiation a photostationary state between Re2(CO)10 and Q is established. In the presence of C2F4 similar results are obtained, although the development of Q in methyl methacrylate occurs more rapidly.
The system Re2(CO)10+ C2F4 is an effective photoinitiator (λ= 365 nm) for the free-radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate; the rate of polymerization ω is proportional to I1/20, [Re2(CO)10]1/2, [M] and is slightly increased by the presence of carbon monoxide. Under the conditions studied, chain transfer, retardation and primary termination are insignificant. The dependence of ω on [C2F4] has the familiar form showing a plateau value, similar to that found with Mn2(CO)10+ C2F4, although the maximum rate is effectively reached at much lower [C2F4]–3 × 10–2 mol l–1, approximately. The quantum yield of initiation at λ= 365 nm is unity. The product Q is unreactive towards C2F4 in the dark and there is no observable after-effect; however, Q photoinitiates polymerization of methyl methacrylate in the presence of C2F4, but with low quantum yield.
Determination of the Re content of the polymers suggests that the initiating radicals are (CO)5ReCF2ĊF2. Infra-red observations reveal the presence of terminal groups with this structure.
Mechanisms for photoinitiation by Re2(CO)10+ C2F4 are discussed. Although the data do not lead unambiguously to one mechanism, a primary photolytic step leading, in the presence of methyl methacrylate, to two dissimilar fragments is favoured.