Issue 21, 1975

Crystal structure of the ω-lsomer of chloro(diethylenetriamine)(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) dichloride hemihydrate


Crystals of title compound [isomer (IV)] are monoclinic. space group C2, with Z= 4, in a unit cell of dimensions a= 14.323(1), b= 7.720(1), c= 12.229(1)Å, β= 99.92(1)°. The structure was solved from diffractometer data by Patterson and Fourier methods, and refined by full-matrix least-squares methods to R 0.045 for 2 416 reflections. The cobalt(III) ion is in octahedral co-ordination with the diethylenetriamine ligand adopting a facial (cis) configuration. The co-ordinated chloride ligand is transto the NH group, and the ethylenediamine ligand occupies the remaining two co-ordination sites.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1975, 2153-2156

Crystal structure of the ω-lsomer of chloro(diethylenetriamine)(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) dichloride hemihydrate

J. H. Johnston and A. G. Freeman, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1975, 2153 DOI: 10.1039/DT9750002153

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