Issue 1, 1970

Elimination reactions and configurations of 1-methylcyclohexyl derivatives, including steroid analogues


Analysis of elimination products does not necessarily establish the configurations of 1-methylcyclohexyl derivatives. Dehydration of 3β-methyl-5α-cholestan-3α- and 3β-ol [(I) and (III)] with phosphoryl chloride–pyridine gives, as reported earlier, the endocyclic (II) and the exocyclic olefin (IV), respectively, as major products. Dehydration with thionyl chloride–pyridine, however, did not conform to this pattern: the results of dehydrohalogenation of the 3α-halogeno-3β-methyl derivatives (V) also appeared to be anomalous. Similar reactions of 1-methyl-4-t-butyl-cyclohexyl derivatives, and of 12-methylspirostan-12-yl compounds, indicate that the proportions of olefinic products may be decided as much by the ‘leaving group,’ and by the base employed, as by the conformational features of the compound examined.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc. C, 1970, 182-188

Elimination reactions and configurations of 1-methylcyclohexyl derivatives, including steroid analogues

D. N. Kirk and P. M. Shaw, J. Chem. Soc. C, 1970, 182 DOI: 10.1039/J39700000182

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