Sorption and dielectric behaviour of benzene on silica gel
Sorption isotherms have been determined for nitrogen (–195°) and benzene (25°) on a purified commercial “chromatographic” silica gel. Their analysis indicated a distribution of pore radii mostly within the range 16–56 Å, with less than 8 % of the specific surface (355 m2/g) contributed by micropores of width < 7 Å.
The dielectric isotherm (1 Mc/sec, 25°) for benzene comprised three linear regions. The first extended from close to the origin to the B.E.T. monolayer value am, and was thus associated with monolayer adsorption. The second linear region was of lower slope than the first and corresponded to capillary condensation in the smaller pores, following monolayer completion. A third linear region, of intermediate slope between those of the first and second regions, occurred at an amount adsorbed close to 2am, and has been associated with capillary condensation in wider pores, after the adsorbed film is two layers thick.