Complex formation in molten salts. Association constants of silver chloro-complexes in molten KNO3+ Ba(NO3)2 and comparison with quasi-lattice theory
Association constants K1, K2 and K12 for the formation of AgCl, AgCl–2 and Ag2Cl+ in molten KNO3+ Ba(NO3)2(88.89 : 11.11 mole %) at 350, 370 and 390°C have been evaluated from potentiometric data. The temperature coefficients of the association constants were predictable from equations based on quasi-lattice model. The specific Helmholtz free energy of association for formation of AgCl has been compared with the values previously reported in molten KNO3 and in molten KNO3+ Ca(NO3)2 and KNO3+ Sr(NO3)2.